Jaime buenrostro

1.08 mi
(323) 994-3971
935 Rosecrans Avenue, East Compton, CA 90221
Sorry, hours will be updated soon.

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la-taqueria La Taqueria
0.00 mi away
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Service options :
Takeout, Dine-in, Delivery: false


I apologize, but I couldn't find any specific information or tips about Jaime Buenrostro located at 935 Rosecrans Avenue, East Compton, California, 90221. It seems like no specific details are available about this particular establishment or its services. To provide accurate information, it would be helpful to have more specific details about Jaime Buenrostro's offerings, such as the type of cuisine or the services they provide (takeout, dine-in, or delivery). Without more information, it's challenging to provide tips or suggestions. Please provide more details or clarify your query so that I can assist you better.