Skinny Rib

4.98 mi
2475 65th St, Brooklyn, NY 11204
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I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any specific information about a restaurant called Skinny Rib at the given address. It's possible that the restaurant may be new, closed, or not listed in the available databases.

However, based on the cuisine type provided, here are some general tips for enjoying barbecue:

1. Try the classics: Barbecue staples like ribs, pulled pork, brisket, and chicken are usually safe choices. Give them a try to get a feel for the restaurant's style.

2. Consider the sides: Barbecue is often served with delicious sides like coleslaw, mac and cheese, baked beans, cornbread, or collard greens. Don't forget to try them out to get the full experience.

3. Get messy: Barbecue is typically a hands-on experience, so feel free to dive in and get messy. Enjoy the finger-licking goodness but keep some napkins handy.

4. Explore sauces: Different regions in the United States have their own barbecue sauce styles. Experiment with different flavors and find your favorite.

5. Check for specials: Some barbecue restaurants offer daily or weekly specials. Keep an eye out for deals and promotions that can help you enjoy your meal without breaking the bank.

Remember, these tips are general and may not specifically apply to the Skinny Rib restaurant. It's always a good idea to check online for customer reviews and the restaurant's menu to make more informed decisions.